addicted to work or dedicated to work?


Wow it's October already !? 
Heck, this means I wouldn't be able to catch a breath from work from this month onward, well.. at least for another two months.

Me, myself, is having a pretty decent life lately. I guess that's the luxury of working together with my loved ones -huge differences aside-. Though I did encounter a great deal of trust issue with my very bestfriend/my partner not long ago, thankfully I managed to take preventive actions and treat that issue as valuable experience, instead of dwelling myself in the sea of frustration. 

Unlike Sun Education, which is currently in hiatus mode thanks to my constant absence from the office (another reminder that I GOTTA FIND A STAFF, ASAP !!!), Mayasa is alhamdulillah, doing very well. Three big-bucks projects from Kak Abul's friend and an upcoming launch of our very own real estate, all of them are due to complete within this month . So yeah, welcome my24/7 working hours 

Being this busy sounds awful to some people, even to our family members, but we're enjoying every second of it. I honestly never feel so alive, deadline doesn't terrified me. Strangely, my days feel away more meaningful with the adrenaline rush.

I don't mind people judgements of me being a workaholic or being overly dedicated to my works, because to me, keeping a busy and meaningful life is another way to live up life to the fullest :)