what's with all the hype?


It's true that Obama once lived in Indonesia and his mother was married to Indonesian man. But fellows, do we really have make a big deal out of it?

I'm indeed one of Obama's huge fans and I couldn't help but to feel excited upon knowing such incredible man had spent some part of his childhood years in the same country as mine. Oh well, who wouldn't be?

However, lately I'm starting to get tired with all of the fuss that my fellows made. Come on, ever since he made his breakthrough into USA political world, we've never stopped talk about him. Weeks of press coverage after his then-canceled trip and his 'sate' line in his 18mins interview with my dear Putra Nababan, built him a statue,and now 'Win 3 golden tickets to meet Obama' !? Wew, too much...

But I still adore you mister :) Though I'm kind of disappointed because you didn't do anything with recent attacks by Israel.