I finally managed to talk about my big plans to my bosses. Surprisingly, they are very welcome with those ideas. It was quite hard to spill out the plans at first, but without too much effort, I managed to convince them. Thank you Ko, for being so supportive with my decision, I promise to prove you that I can keep my words.
Let's get moving, Nis!! Be positive, be highly motivated, be optimistic and stay cool. *dancing and rolling on the floor*
-I really wish you were the very first person to learn this good news of mine. But apparently, we've been missing out these kind of moments right?! I don't feel connected with you anymore, I'm no longer happy too. Slowly but sure, I'm learning to let you go.- .
i aced the first step
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:05 am
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship, work
bankruptcy alert!
25.2.10I'll be declaring bankruptcy next month. I spent SO MUCH money and have been using my cards this month, now my head is spinning thinking about the bills which will due in mid March.
Did I regret it?
Honestly I didn't =) I love all the stuffs I bought, I have been eyeing them for quite sometime and I just can't hold back the desire to buy them. What's the point of working hard if I can't really enjoy the outcome? *cough, excuses*
Anyway, let's welcome my closet newcomers:
Longchamp Le Pliage Eiffel Cabas - Paper
Samsung STAR
This gorgeous baby will arrive late March, can't wait to take her around with me!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:04 pm
midnight's rants
23.2.10Dear God,
Please give me enough strength so I can proudly stand up on my own, not because I'm somebody's daughter/friend/girlfriend, but simply because what I'm actually capable of.
The new path, which I'm about to choose, is going to be my ultimate turning point. I'll devote myself dearly into it and I won't spare any room for emotional breakdown. I've been putting my life on hold all these times, hence I want to make up for it.
So, God.. please give me Your Blessings.
As for the other you, I'm getting tired here. Perhaps, it's only a matter of time until I'm giving up on trying, for good.
I won't give up now, however, I don't want to put us or you on my priority list anymore.
Again God, I'm going to need Your Support in this.
All the best Nis!!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:47 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship
a (not totally) new beginning
March is only few days away, this means, I seriously need to discuss my big plans with my bosses as soon as possible.
In case anyone is wondering what my plans are really about, let's just wait for another month. I'm not that capable in keeping my mouth shut, but this time, I promise I'll stay low until everything has been finalised.
I'm very excited yet nervous at the same time, because once I chose to go through with those plans, there will be no turning back for me.
So, please send me your best wishes, my dear friends.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
3:15 pm