I'm back to the office ! I took a day off from work yesterday. I was terribly sick, I got this massive headache along with mild fever. If only I had enough strength, I'd rather chose to be in the office. Despite the fact where I was able to finish reading Kite Runner and watching Homicide Investigation Team on the same day, I didn't thoroughly enjoyed my off.
Well, excuse my random mumbling =)
Do any of you agree with me that this guy is cute? credit tosoompi
His name is Kang Ji Hwan, recognised as another Korean rising actor (I applaud those who can actually remember the exact number of actors in Korea). Anyway, KJH is currently staring in Hong Gil Dong. I've read tons of positive reviews about this fusion-saeguk drama, that's why I look forward to watch this. For HGD episode recap, go to Dramabeans
Back to my KJH, you should watch him in Capital Scandal. He's awesome there and girls, we get to see his sexy bu*t. When I said sexy, it's for real ! Have you seen Brad Pitt's in TROY? Well, regardless the naked-scene, KJH's bu*t is as FINE as Pitt's. *lol* This bu*t thingy reminds me with the song which sang by Rachel and Ross for Emma to make her laugh [Remember Friends the series]. Ok... my imagination gets wilder.
Capital Scandal is a very good drama where everything is perfectly executed to the audience. The plot, the casts, the acting, the soundtrack, the dialogue, even the wardrobe are brilliant. IF you are interested, you could take a peek on the review here
Love for Kang Ji Hwan
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
10:55 am
weekend part 2
3.3.08Oh well.. right after the boss diminished us from the task of the day, I was then super-speed myself to the parking lot, yep.. immediately get myself out and headed to Plaza Senayan.
Yesterday was my father's birthday and I haven't bought him anything yet. It's an important event for me, because as far as I can remember, I never got a chance to celebrate his birthday. That's why I deadly wanted his 2008's birthday to be special and memorable for he and me. However, I did not think that getting him a present was a very complicated task. I spent the whole two-weeks to figure it out !! Some thing which suits his taste and meets with my salary.
And I bought him 2 pairs of Pierre Cardin pajamas. Hehehe... It's kind of weird knowing that he has tons of expensive suits while he only has few pajamas in his closet. So, after I got my gift wrapped, I headed to Hotel Mulia to have dinner with Dad and Bunda. Again, I had another buffet for the day ! Oh God, I adore the food, it's tasty as always..
Anyway, during the dinner, Bunda showed me her gift. My Lord... she gave this huge yellow sapphire ring for him ! I was instantly discouraged with my own gift, I started to think how cheap is my gift compared to hers. I was SO sad !! I know my dad won't think that way, but still... I tried to hide my disappoinment (with myself) by focusing on food. I wasn't as talkative as I've always been. I kept eating and eating. Hell... there were A LOT of food !!!
"At least you bought it with your own money, Nisa. The money you earned from your hardwork. You should proud about that"
Having such thought across my mind did cheer me up. Once we reached home, I took the present in my car and walked into my dad's room without any hesitation. He just finished his Isya prayer. I handed in his present and I close my eyes.. afraid seeing his reaction.
Then all of sudden, he hugged me tightly and thanked me for being such a thoughtful daughter. I opened my eyes, only to see tears of happiness in his eyes. He read the card I gave him and spoiled the tearful moment by asking me to translate the card. HAHAHAHAHA... he's really cracking me up.
That only lasted for while though, because he was touched with the content. And there it came again another lovey-dovey scenes between us. He then opened his present, and started to get very excited with his new pajamas. It was cute to see him directly trying it on. He praised me for having a very good taste in choosing the right color, the good fabrique, and even the right size. *kudos to Nisa*
He started to do his own fashion show in front of Bunda and everyone in the house. After everyone got sick of the show, he went back to his room. He took the birthday card and put it inside his bag. He said "I wanted to carry it around with me" Oh Dad... thank you for your great appreciation.
I was then excuse myself to my room, I was too tired and overwhelmed with emotions. I feel content, even until this very minute.
God... really, I'm so thankful to have a dad like him !!!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:33 pm
weekend part 1
What a tiring and busy weekend... and for the first time, since I started my job, my stamina is suddenly drop =( I came late this morning, just to make sure that I was strong enough for doing some errands at the office. I'm not a workaholic but I really don't think that by staying at home would make me feel better. I would feel anxious and end up watch DVDs.
Perhaps the reason I'm getting sick is because I had TOO much buffet yesterday =D *lol* Oh Yes... I had 'free' buffet for my lunch and dinner. The one I had for lunch was my boss's treat. Well, it wasn't exactly a treat, it was merely a compensation of our handworks for yesterday's exhibition yesterday at Sultan Hotel. The food wasn't that great but at least it was fulfilling. AHA !!
The event itself was indeed a success and everyone praised me for performing well in promoting Queensland's education. Geez... how dare those people comparing Queensland with Perth and Adelaide!? *grrrrr*
Dear Mr. Tony Mitchener,
Seriously, you have a very challenging task in creating a hype about Queensland to the rest of Indonesian!
I better stop with two-cents.
Ok, let's get back to my buffet talks in the later post.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:15 pm
Labels: family, personal, relationship