I'm rooting for ARIS to become this year's Indonesian Idol. He's always been my favorite to win since audition week. I never voted for anyone except him.
This guy is the most deserving contestant to win the title. Yes, he might have some flaws both in his attitudes and in his singing technique, but I personally adore his gritty style and his voice. Every song he sings, belongs to him. He sings them with true soul that blends perfectly with his charismatic charm. Gisel, although she has a good voice, she always sounds the same. While with Aris, there was always this element of surprise and diversity, i.e. "Tak Bisa Ke Lain Hati" or "Berartinya Dirimu". Besides, I believe Aris is the only Indonesian Idol in history who could actually generate crowd (see picture) and interact with them on stage. You guys gotta watch his final performance , it's LEGENDARY!!
3 more days until the Result Show, so what are you waiting for? Grab your mobile immediately and type ARIS, send it to 9288.
Will Aris win Indonesian Idol 2008?
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
3:47 pm
Labels: Idol, Indonesian, Music
it's all about timing
19.7.08Is there such thing as 'the one'?
Is there really only one person you can be happy with?
Just because two people are interested in each other.. does it mean that they will end up together? Some thought that occurred to me early this morning; I realized that love is not about me wanting him, or him wanting me.
Now more than ever, I’m convinced that “love” is a matter of timing. We can meet the right person anytime soon, however, if its the wrong time or the wrong place, nothing will happen. Like everything has its own time to become something, love needs the 'right timing' to be made.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
10:05 am
Labels: lesson, random, relationship
dear Father
I love you very much Father. Not because -I wouldn't be born if it weren't for you-or -thanks for your financial support-. I love you because the way you are. I stand right beside you because I yearn for your attention and affection.
I always try my best to make you happy and proud. I even prioritize your feeling on top of others, including my Mother.
Forgive me Father..
It turned out that it requires a heart as hard as stone to continue living in your house.
I had enough!! ENOUGH...
I don't want to be your soccer ball anymore, Father. It's getting really tiring and frustrating at this point for me. You only come to my side whenever you got into fight with Bunda. After things back to normal, you're pushing me away. Don't you realize that Father? Last night's incident proved my insignificant presence in that house.
I'm your daughter, not one of your sub-ordinates. I'm not your employee, hence don't treat me like the way you treated them. I was at fault for not informing you earlier about my difficulty to print out your file, but did you really need to shout and curse me? I tried to make up this mistake by went to internet cafe to have a pro printed them out for me. It turned out that she's as clueless as me, so I chose a ridiculous way to do that, i.e. by stapling the two pages together horizontally. I got home at 10.30PM with empty stomache and directly handed those papers to you, only to be mocked by you?
No Father..
I don't need your -thank you- greetings. I was rather expecting you to say "Here's my daughter! How's your day? Are you tired?" It was just as simple as that.
Instead, you went on and on with these lines:
"This what you got when you didn't do my order."
"There's no point, your effort is meaningless. How would you expect me to understand these stupid papers?"
"I know you can't be trusted"
Oh my...
Even though you might did it out of fun, still it hurts me.
This is it,
This entry shall mark my turning point,
Nuff' said.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:49 pm
Labels: curhat, family, relationship, values
childhood memories
8.7.08I envy those who could actually remember how happy his/her childhood was. So, at the end of the day, these people would have heaps of interesting stories to be passed onto their children, or grand children, etc.
"When I was little..." has always been my favorite sentence. Whenever I hear anyone say that one sentence, I’ll put my hair behind my ears and listen attentively even though, maybe, it’s the same story for the one-hundredth time. My parents are very good storytellers, with tons of hillarious stories to share. Mom with her trouble maker attitudes, yes.. in her big family, she was widely known for her afternoon 'physical training' with the boys. Everyone kept on telling me how wild she was. Not only that, she loved to play tricks with her teachers. I couldn't imagine how on earth would one be able to ring the school's bell (before class ended) or to make use of his teachers' love letters in exchange for her tardiness. Thankfully, she still managed to score well in her studies.
My dad stories was rather inspiring, he hard a life. My grandfather was a soldier with 8 kids. To ease his dad's financial burden, my dad chose to live with his aunts and tried to earn money on his own at a very young age. In one day, you would find him selling kerosene from one village to another, if he didn't earn any money, he then went to the rice field, helped the owner to plant or to harvest. He wouldn't go back until he have some money to be given for his aunts and his siblings. What makes me amaze is that such situation didn't prevent him to quit his school. Instead, he used it as a motivation to strive the best. He didn't care what others say about his broken shoes or his torn clothes, because what matter to him is his family.
Reflecting on their experiences, I wonder what sort of things should I tell to my children. I had very vague memories of my childhood, especially after my parents' divorce. It seemed like, I had block a certain period of my life unconsciously. All I could recall are I was a bit of tomboy (got into fight ocassionally), I didn't have many close friends (they mocked my parents' divorce behind my back), I wasn't a bright student (I was so... dumb!!), I hated arts lesson the most, I couldn't sleep by myself until the age of 12. What else?
OK, this is funny.. I always have a crush on my teacher!! HAHAHA....
Now, my heart is filled with jealousy towards my parents, but in a good way. I wish to have a lot more to say about my childhood. Some story which could make my children feel the same way as I do with my parents. Gosh, I better find a way which could bring my memories back =)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
3:29 pm
Labels: personal, random, relationship