It's only a week away to my exhibition and my company's launch !!
I can't believe that it's finally happening. Oh my dear God, please give me Your BEST blessing for this new road of mine. Amin Ya Allah...
This whole running-my-own-business thing is really frustrating yet exciting at the same time.
"What if.." one simple question which keeps bother me. Thousand of scenarios are running through in my mind.. but hey, why bother to think things that may not happen at all? I have to stay optimistic and confident with myself !!!
After all, I have the best people around me to help out.
Big thanks to my bestfriends for life (Nhyar, Imha, Ermha, Anggie) and my awesome three musketeers (Umhe, Yanto and Ucchank) who have been my source of strength to pull out everything. Also thanks to Thatha, my unrequited high school crush, who always showed up to be a hero in such critical moments.
Not forget to Prima, my boyfriend who keep on letting me down lately. Thanks to him, I managed to divert my disappointment into my works.
Last but not least, to my greatest parents in the world.
Pa, Ma.. I wouldn't make it to this stage without your love, support and prayers. I love you both so much.
Now, let the countdown begins and work harder !!!!
Cipta Anika Mandiri :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:06 am
Labels: personal, special event, work
what's with all the hype?
4.6.10It's true that Obama once lived in Indonesia and his mother was married to Indonesian man. But fellows, do we really have make a big deal out of it?
I'm indeed one of Obama's huge fans and I couldn't help but to feel excited upon knowing such incredible man had spent some part of his childhood years in the same country as mine. Oh well, who wouldn't be?
However, lately I'm starting to get tired with all of the fuss that my fellows made. Come on, ever since he made his breakthrough into USA political world, we've never stopped talk about him. Weeks of press coverage after his then-canceled trip and his 'sate' line in his 18mins interview with my dear Putra Nababan, built him a statue,and now 'Win 3 golden tickets to meet Obama' !? Wew, too much...
But I still adore you mister :) Though I'm kind of disappointed because you didn't do anything with recent attacks by Israel.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:37 pm
the right one or the right relationship?
2.6.10For someone who has dated *cough* a number of guys (not that I'm proud of), one thing I learned for sure is that there is no such thing as "finding the right one".
I trust most of us have been poisoned with the idea of Mr.Right/Prince Charming because of those repeated fairy tales which our parents fed us back when we were just a girl. As a result, this idea is kept safely in our minds and as we grew older, there we were, out for the Mr. Right's hunt.
Some girls who ended up overly obsessed with the concept, will be throwing themselves into a never-ending mission of locating their 'right guy'. Moving from one guy to another while using 'I-don't think he's the one' classic line as their defense.
But then one day, they finally come to the most confusing conclusion ever, how can they tell if the guy is right for them??
Oh well, perhaps the best answer is that, be it Mr. Right or not, it is ultimately up to us who make the decision. We are the one who choose which guy is going to be your Mr. Right.
I do really think that a relationship shouldn't always evolve around 'is he the right one' myth. Instead, we have to start to see a relationship as a process how to MAKE us are right for each other. So, why bother to seek for Mr. Right if in fact we can stick to what we already have and give some effort to turn it into the right relationship?
We're all know that nobody's perfect. Therefore, Mr. Right's hunt will only lead us in disappointment because no one can ever meet our criterion of 'the right one'.
What makes 'trying to be right for each other' slightly a better idea is because this kind of determination will bring the best out of us. Because we sincerely want us to be right for our partner, we truly want our partner to be right for us, and we want the right relationship. With that sincere intention, I believe both us and our partners will strive to make everything work.
From what I've learned, the right relationship should be healthy and allow us to have a two-way communication. As the relationship is matured, we grow together with it.
It shouldn't be about what's best for you or him but it supposed to be what's best for both of you.
So, let's we all get real =)
Phew, such a heavy topic, these are all just my personal opinion though. I guess my previous and current relationships inspired me the most to write these stuffs. Oh yes, I'm a happy note ^_^
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
7:06 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship
weekend madness
29.3.10I had a great weekend, it really was a blast! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun like yesterday.. But I am so thankful that I finally got the chance to relieve all the stress, anger, depression, self-accusation, frustration, etc. I feel a lot better now...
I was supposed to go out with my Indo Brisbane's friends on Saturday night. However, when I went to downstairs, I fell down quite badly. No serious injury though, I'm just having some pains with my upper left arm and my back.
Anyway, because I was too shock and obviously was in great pain, I kind of lost the mood to go out, hence I decided to stay home.
It was a tough night to get through.. I couldn't help but to feel miserable. I never like the idea of being sick and doing nothing, especially when I'm still unable to get over my post-break up syndrome.
Thanks to wonderful and awesome people around me, this is my first week without any tears and no more 'blaming myself' moments:)
Keep it up, Nis...
On Sunday, I went out for a dimsum brunch with my colleagues. I've been craving to have a proper yumcha session ever since I got back in Jakarta, just when I can no longer hold myself, my friend saved me!!
We ate a lot, like there's no tomorrow.. We kept on ordering, even though most of us already gave up. We stayed for almost 3 hours...
Hell, it was a pretty damn good deal. It costs us less than AUD 10 per person to have the dimsum buffet at a hotel!? Crazy... this is what I love the most about Indonesia!!
After the lunch, we had a two-hours karaoke session, and guess what... we went wild, seriously wild =D
Below are some sneak peak from the karaoke:

Oh yeah, I was out of control... but very worthed! Would love to do that again, guys!!!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
2:33 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship
i aced the first step
26.2.10I finally managed to talk about my big plans to my bosses. Surprisingly, they are very welcome with those ideas. It was quite hard to spill out the plans at first, but without too much effort, I managed to convince them. Thank you Ko, for being so supportive with my decision, I promise to prove you that I can keep my words.
Let's get moving, Nis!! Be positive, be highly motivated, be optimistic and stay cool. *dancing and rolling on the floor*
-I really wish you were the very first person to learn this good news of mine. But apparently, we've been missing out these kind of moments right?! I don't feel connected with you anymore, I'm no longer happy too. Slowly but sure, I'm learning to let you go.- .
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:05 am
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship, work
bankruptcy alert!
25.2.10I'll be declaring bankruptcy next month. I spent SO MUCH money and have been using my cards this month, now my head is spinning thinking about the bills which will due in mid March.
Did I regret it?
Honestly I didn't =) I love all the stuffs I bought, I have been eyeing them for quite sometime and I just can't hold back the desire to buy them. What's the point of working hard if I can't really enjoy the outcome? *cough, excuses*
Anyway, let's welcome my closet newcomers:
Longchamp Le Pliage Eiffel Cabas - Paper
Samsung STAR
This gorgeous baby will arrive late March, can't wait to take her around with me!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:04 pm
midnight's rants
23.2.10Dear God,
Please give me enough strength so I can proudly stand up on my own, not because I'm somebody's daughter/friend/girlfriend, but simply because what I'm actually capable of.
The new path, which I'm about to choose, is going to be my ultimate turning point. I'll devote myself dearly into it and I won't spare any room for emotional breakdown. I've been putting my life on hold all these times, hence I want to make up for it.
So, God.. please give me Your Blessings.
As for the other you, I'm getting tired here. Perhaps, it's only a matter of time until I'm giving up on trying, for good.
I won't give up now, however, I don't want to put us or you on my priority list anymore.
Again God, I'm going to need Your Support in this.
All the best Nis!!
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:47 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship
a (not totally) new beginning
March is only few days away, this means, I seriously need to discuss my big plans with my bosses as soon as possible.
In case anyone is wondering what my plans are really about, let's just wait for another month. I'm not that capable in keeping my mouth shut, but this time, I promise I'll stay low until everything has been finalised.
I'm very excited yet nervous at the same time, because once I chose to go through with those plans, there will be no turning back for me.
So, please send me your best wishes, my dear friends.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
3:15 pm
Welcome 2010
1.1.10Happy New Year 2010 everyone! May the new year brings us new hope, spirit and love.
I sincerely hope 2010 could turn out to be a much better year for me and my family.
Please put more smiles on my dad's face and make my mom be more attentive to her kids. Please take a very good care of my brothers and sister as well, especially the older ones. Kindly let them regain their senses.
As for myself, please don't let me do such action which will disappoint my parents.
Dear God.. please protect and bless all of us.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:10 am