"I want to change" will lose its true meaning once you failed to put those words into action by the minute you said it.
I feel.. cheated.
As a sister, I may do not have the right to be upset, but I can totally relate my Dad's disappointment over my older brothers' attitudes. It has not been 24 hours since our so called heart-to-heart discussion last night, yet they failed to show their better version efforts.
I was really hoping that somehow I can motivate them, help them to wake up from their long-sleep. Now.. I feel like giving up already.
How I want them to act like a proper older brother, for once. If it can't be in day-to-day issue, at least please let them be the people I turn to whenever this business responsibilities hits a rough patch. I hate the idea of monitoring, nagging them, as if I'm trying to show off my upper hand. But if I stop being annoying and dictating sister, then who will be there to remind them with their commitments !? Who else can bridge their communications with Dad !?? On the other hand, I can't keep go back and forth, assuring Dad that giving them the second chance isn't a mistake while I don't have enough faith if such thing can happen anytime soon.
I'm torn.. seeing how they always come up with one disappointment after another.
It's killing me.. to witness how Dad's hope and expectations keep falling into pieces.
Ya Allah SWT, please kindly give me enough strength to pull up this family together, to bring goodness which is long buried in my older brothers' inner hearts, to provide alternative comfort and pride for my parents so they don't dwell themselves in self-blaming over the failures of their sons.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:05 am
Labels: family-value, personal
already gone
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
2:25 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal, relationship
life is wonderful
Alhamdulillah I feel so blessed... I don't know what did I do to be deserved such enormous blessings from You, but I really am so thankful Ya Allah. Kindly guide me to stay humble, to always keep my feet on the ground, to keep stay just the way I already am. Let me be a better Moslem who knows how to be grateful and to look after those blessings in my best manner.
What I have right now, they're all come from You, things which You could always take from me at any given time. I don't want to let myself grow addicted to this comfortable life, won't let those luxuries get the best of me. What's the use of having that kind of life if it turns me blind !?
I'm feeling so inspired lately, my nights and days are filled with new dreams, goals and ambitions. So, here I go again, Masya Allah.. thank You very much Ya Allah...
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:55 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal, random thought
better in time
20.5.11My last night in Manchester. Yes, I've been spending these past two weeks in England. I was here for a familiarisation trip from one of the institutions in here, then decided to do a little bit of sightseeing for the second week. It's a rare chance, so I gotta make the most out of it :)
This trip is like a dream that finally come true. For those who know me really well, are very aware that I have a very huge obsession with the country. I dream to study here, well. it almost happened, but I was blinded by love back then, didn't have the courage to leave my ex boyfriend behind. No regret though because I was pretty resolute with my decision. I could tell how disappointed my father was, yet he could not force me to go.
On the bright side, I kinda feel far more satisfied and have this feeling of privilege when I told people that I came to UK for business reason :) *LOL
Come on Nis, your so called self-funded Omra plan is waiting !! Give me YOUR blessing Ya Allah... I really want to go to Mecca and Madinah again, it has to be this year (and more to come in the near future).
Almost half-way through 2011, it was quite a downturn journey in the beginning but I'm very proud to reach state that I'm currently in right now. Alhamdulillah, I've never been this content with my life. Though there is a sting whenever I recall how I don't have someone special to share every huge step I managed to make, but hey... I trust that my guy is on his way to find me.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
5:19 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal
compromise position
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
9:57 pm
Labels: relationship, thoughts
a love that I can't carry anymore
Without any further delay, here are the quotes:
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:18 am
Labels: personal, quotes, relationship
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:56 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship