What a great year, thank you 2011 !
It's been one awesome yet struggling journey. Lots of unexpected blessings and trials, which served the purpose to make me stronger, wiser and more humble both as an individual as well as business woman. Syukur Alhamdulillah Ya Allah...
Thank you Maqbul, you're definitely the highlight of the year :)
As always, thank you Papa, for your never-ending pressure at work. Thank you Mama, without you I wouldn't be this motivated to show what I'm really capable of.
Last but not least, thank you everyone for being a part of my life.
Bring it on 2012 !!
hasta la vista.. 2012
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:46 pm
addicted to work or dedicated to work?
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
6:26 pm
the birth of MAYASA
22.8.11Three people from a very different background, each is talented in their own areas of expertise. Despite their wide difference in personalities, they share one dream.. one ambition.. one strong will.. which is, to nail the design consultation, property and construction worlds together. This became the fundamental reason behind the birth of MAYASA.
MAYASA is merely the abbreviation of each of its owners' names.
MAqbul, YAnto, AniSZA
Three young underdog entrepreneurs who decided to work together as a team to reach the long-awaited dream.
So guys, please send MAYASA your best wishes :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
7:02 pm
Labels: work
here they come, butterflies :)
21.6.11"Create new memories, to let go painful ones. Find another source of happiness, to replace the misery". Thank you for showing me these, kak..
Ever since I found myself gradually attracted to you, I hardly have any flashback from my bittersweet memories. I even did not bother anymore to check out his twitter and facebook accounts. Finally, after months of moving-on struggles, that genuine butterflies feeling is coming back !!
And the fact that we're dating, really... I couldn't ask for more.
It isn't about how good you treat me but the quality of our relationship, the way we balance dunia dan akhirat thingy. I love you more and more everytime you remind me and ask me to do the prayer together.
Yes kak... I'm falling head over the heels. Let's make this feeling and happiness last yak :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
8:22 pm
Labels: personal, relationship
31.5.11"I want to change" will lose its true meaning once you failed to put those words into action by the minute you said it.
I feel.. cheated.
As a sister, I may do not have the right to be upset, but I can totally relate my Dad's disappointment over my older brothers' attitudes. It has not been 24 hours since our so called heart-to-heart discussion last night, yet they failed to show their better version efforts.
I was really hoping that somehow I can motivate them, help them to wake up from their long-sleep. Now.. I feel like giving up already.
How I want them to act like a proper older brother, for once. If it can't be in day-to-day issue, at least please let them be the people I turn to whenever this business responsibilities hits a rough patch. I hate the idea of monitoring, nagging them, as if I'm trying to show off my upper hand. But if I stop being annoying and dictating sister, then who will be there to remind them with their commitments !? Who else can bridge their communications with Dad !?? On the other hand, I can't keep go back and forth, assuring Dad that giving them the second chance isn't a mistake while I don't have enough faith if such thing can happen anytime soon.
I'm torn.. seeing how they always come up with one disappointment after another.
It's killing me.. to witness how Dad's hope and expectations keep falling into pieces.
Ya Allah SWT, please kindly give me enough strength to pull up this family together, to bring goodness which is long buried in my older brothers' inner hearts, to provide alternative comfort and pride for my parents so they don't dwell themselves in self-blaming over the failures of their sons.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:05 am
Labels: family-value, personal
already gone
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
2:25 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal, relationship
life is wonderful
Alhamdulillah I feel so blessed... I don't know what did I do to be deserved such enormous blessings from You, but I really am so thankful Ya Allah. Kindly guide me to stay humble, to always keep my feet on the ground, to keep stay just the way I already am. Let me be a better Moslem who knows how to be grateful and to look after those blessings in my best manner.
What I have right now, they're all come from You, things which You could always take from me at any given time. I don't want to let myself grow addicted to this comfortable life, won't let those luxuries get the best of me. What's the use of having that kind of life if it turns me blind !?
I'm feeling so inspired lately, my nights and days are filled with new dreams, goals and ambitions. So, here I go again, Masya Allah.. thank You very much Ya Allah...
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:55 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal, random thought
better in time
20.5.11My last night in Manchester. Yes, I've been spending these past two weeks in England. I was here for a familiarisation trip from one of the institutions in here, then decided to do a little bit of sightseeing for the second week. It's a rare chance, so I gotta make the most out of it :)
This trip is like a dream that finally come true. For those who know me really well, are very aware that I have a very huge obsession with the country. I dream to study here, well. it almost happened, but I was blinded by love back then, didn't have the courage to leave my ex boyfriend behind. No regret though because I was pretty resolute with my decision. I could tell how disappointed my father was, yet he could not force me to go.
On the bright side, I kinda feel far more satisfied and have this feeling of privilege when I told people that I came to UK for business reason :) *LOL
Come on Nis, your so called self-funded Omra plan is waiting !! Give me YOUR blessing Ya Allah... I really want to go to Mecca and Madinah again, it has to be this year (and more to come in the near future).
Almost half-way through 2011, it was quite a downturn journey in the beginning but I'm very proud to reach state that I'm currently in right now. Alhamdulillah, I've never been this content with my life. Though there is a sting whenever I recall how I don't have someone special to share every huge step I managed to make, but hey... I trust that my guy is on his way to find me.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
5:19 am
Labels: lesson-learned, personal
compromise position
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
9:57 pm
Labels: relationship, thoughts
a love that I can't carry anymore
Without any further delay, here are the quotes:
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:18 am
Labels: personal, quotes, relationship
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:56 pm
Labels: curhat, personal, relationship
rise and fall
13.4.11A bit bitter, huh? But it's for the better :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
2:47 am
Labels: personal, relationship
facing the ghosts
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
6:52 am
Labels: personal, relationship
a random thought on love
7.4.11love is defined in many different ways, it comes in different forms.
the love to God, between parents and their kids, between siblings, between a bunch of very good friends, between lovers, etc.
love is one endless -and sometimes tiresome- journey to be better for each other.
the nature of love, regardless its form, is indeed not selfish. it's about giving wholeheartedly with no expectation in return. love gives you power and strength to do whatever we could to put a smile on our loved one's face. even if that effort costs our own heart.
however, to me, there is no such thing as sacrificing your own happiness for someone else sake. because in the end, the one whom you are protecting from pain is yourself.
in love, we only have two options, to conquer everything together or to carry the 'losers' tag together.
and here i am, 32 days to my 25th birthday. definitely not a loser, i just have not found my luck in romance yet :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:25 pm
Labels: random
i failed (again)
5.4.11another failure, another proof of my incompetence. three god-damn heartbreaks in six months, this is it.. I'm done for romance.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
9:39 pm
Labels: personal, relationship
all we'd ever need
1.4.11A very motivational conversation with Cassy the other day:
Thank you beb, you always know to put me at ease. You're right, things are getting better at my end :)
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
1:08 am
Labels: personal, random, relationship
inconvenient truth
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:50 am
Labels: friendship, personal, relationship
(love) letter
20.3.11the truth is, we're so lucky to finally found each other :)
i know the road ahead us is getting tough-er than ever, especially for you. But hey, don't question me or us, because even though my pride won't admit it in person, you have all my support and heart.
so, go focus on things that need to be prioritised, i'll always be right there for you. whenever you're feeling tired, turn to me and lean yourself on me, i'll be ready to welcome you with my stupid yet getting-on-your-nerve jokes and (a little) pampering treatment with (a little) love.
just like how you make it real for me, i want to you to feel the same about me.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
12:05 pm
Labels: for you, personal, relationship
the fight
'BANG !!'
That was the sound I heard from the door behind me. Quite loud and harsh, it got me stood up for a little while. Then there was a fight between the-past-me and the-present-me, between the unwillingness to let go and the determination to move the fuck on.
Finally, the sanity won the fight, brought me to the conclusion, just like the sound of closing door, I should do the same with those uninvited memories. After all everyone has memories, be it good or bad. Cherish the good ones and throw away the bad ones, not let myself drown into it, that way we can have peace with ourselves.
Cassy was right, it isn't about the duration of how fast you moved on over one disappointment in your life, instead, see it as a learning process of letting go things that you aren't supposed to have.
Ahh I miss you, beb.. It is so hard to catch up with each other these days, don't let the distance drift our friendship apart, ok !?
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:51 am
Labels: personal, relationship, thoughts
holiday, please !!
11.3.11I need a holiday, I mean.. like a real holiday where all I do is chill-out and put my lazy ass at rest. No work stuff, no family issues, oh yes... a quality time with myself.
For no reason, my life feels like a plastic bag lately. And by putting the blame to the dullness of my job, Makassar or the people around here, didn't make me feel any better. Perhaps it's just me who -for the gazillion times- forget to feel grateful with my life.
Come on Nis... how can you be happy, content and satisfy with everything if you failed to be grateful with what Allah SWT gave you?!
Now let's level up the mood by pampering myself with the pretty pictures below
*welcome to my dream land*
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
9:55 pm
sister to brothers
2.2.11Whenever I'm talking with my older brothers, it feels like that I'm talking to strangers. We always end up arguing, throwing tantrums or feeling disappointed at one another.
It isn't that I don't love or respect them, but everytime I see them or talk to them, all I can think is how they keep on bringing more troubles into the family, even after they have their own family. I just got so fed up with their immature behaviors, their constant demands of their rights, their love-hate relationship with our parents...
Sometimes.. I can't help but to question the sincerity of their love, care and attention toward our parents, especially Papa. Why does the only thing that come out from their mouth is always about money? And why did after they got what they want, they just went away and wouldn't be back until they need more money? Apa Papa ga lebih dari sekedar mesin ATM buat mereka?
Miris banget ngeliat mereka yang kaya gitu, seakan mereka berjalan tanpa arah. Melihat ketergantungan mereka yang tinggi, gw ga sanggup ngebayangin mau jadi apa mereka ketika Papa-Mama ga ada? Harta itu hanya bersifat titipan kak, if you don't know how to struggle in order to earn a petty penny, what would happen to your wives and kids?
We've been spending so much time to be apart, God knows how much I want to make up the times we lost together as siblings. I really wish the five of us can be together again, working next to Papa, being his tandem partners, learning as much as we could from him.
The thought that Papa-Mama are getting older and weaker as time goes by is haunting me. I'm scared.. Do we still have enough time to make them happy? Would they be able to see and take part in our success? Oh dear God, please don't take them away before we are able to make them proud with their kids, Amin Ya Rab.
So, please stop playing around, because it really is the time to get back to your senses.
Posted by
Anisza Ramadhani
11:10 pm