look, it's 2013 !


2013 surely came in a rather quiet way. It's been raining very hard not long after the New Year's Eve celebration. I don't love rainy days as it associates with a pair of ruined shoes, a water-soaked dress and heavy traffic. However, I do believe every drop of the rain means everything for other people. Just like how the wisemen always said 'rain brings good fortune'.

I started the year by.. not having any kind of celebration, instead I went to bed early in the midst of fireworks. Everyone kind of pitied me for missing the moment, but hey, I favor to treat every other day as a new year to keep myself motivated.

So what's my resolution in 2013?
As always, to be a better daughter for my parents, a (slightly) nicer sister toward my siblings, a wiser boss for my employees. Also, hopefully a good wife and a decent in-law for his family.