Que Sera, Sera


I’m having a real hard time right now. I fear of being left behind. I despise the idea that some of my close people are starting to walk away from me.

For all these years, I spoil myself with ‘friendship forever’ and ‘sworn brother-sister’ myths. I've always believed those bonds are the only things (other than family, for sure) that would last forever in this world. But apparently, it doesn't work that way. Up until today, I have to give up my precious people over the same thing, particularly the ones I called brothers!! I know their relationships with their girlfriends are important, still, does it necessarily mean that they have to cut off their ties with me!? We might be not blood-related; however I really treasure them as my brothers.

Although I'm as a woman realize that most of the times jealousy kills our sanity, but we just have to do it nicely girls!! We shouldn't go overboard, at least show our jealousy in a way that it would not ruin our dignity. Anyway, it isn't like we do not have that kind of relationship (i.e. ‘brothers’) in our lives, right!?

Que Sera, Sera… I don't intend to put all blames on their women; after all, it was my brothers’ decision to distance themselves from me. I'll treat this matter as part of my learning process to become a good and wise adult.

Huff… Why does the process of being mature have to be this hard? If losing them is one of the trials that would help me to get a better understanding what maturity really is. Then that's fine… Because no matter how hard life hits and no matter how though it gets, one should never give up and I never will . I'm not going to die just because they ‘abandoned’ me.

“What doesn't kill you, make you stronger baby!”
I stand now at an important point in time. A long road lies ahead and a long road lies behind me. The last few years have been an awesome, sometimes epic, and wild ride. I just can't believe it's over. But now, I have a new beginning to create. We'll see how much noise I can make in this rough world.