the untold


Once upon a time,
*lives a woman called Fray... it's been a long time since she separated from her husband. however, it seems that she couldn't forgive her ex-husband for having a happy life. she also hates him for taking her children away from her. now, she's full of hatred and anger...
*meanwhile, at another place, there are two brothers who only care about themselves. the oldest one is married with one daughter, he's still a student without a job. his brother is addicted to gambling and women. leading such a pitiful life.. whenever things did not go according to their wishes, all they can do is blaming their father.
*people of -once so glorious- nation.. are suspecting each other. the executives blame their people for being so impatient and demanding. the people also blame their executives for being so greedy.

Why do we have to blame others for our failures, for types of person we've became, and for the hardships that we have to go through in our lifes..

To be happy and success, this decision is up to us. We have ultimate power to determine our destiny whereas other people around us just a compliment.

So, everyone.. let's have some time to ask ourselves and to reflect on our mistakes.. it isn't too late for us to learn to put more respect for others.